Frequently Asked Questions

What products do you offer?

K&D Gardens provides quality lily bulbs to our customers and are available for pick up and shipping.  Additionally, we participate in gardening events, visit local garden clubs and host open gardens to the public at a set time throughout the growing season.

What is your speiality?

Lily “lilium” bulbs. We love all varieties from the earliest blooming Martagons to the end of the season Orientals! You will find a fabulous selection in all categories.

Are lilies hard to grow?

Not at all! There are many great resources on growing lilies and we are glad to help.  Generally, lilies like well-drained soil.  They old saying that states “feet in the shade and face in the sun” hold true to lilies. Lilies are planted 4″-6″ deep and can be fertilized with a basic 10-10-10 fertilizer in the spring and fall.

What are the rates of your services?

Lily bulbs vary in price starting at $5.00 per bulb

Do you ship?

Yes! We ship within the United States and charge current USPS rates, Pick up is also available.

Are you licensed?

We are licensed by the Minnesota Department of Agriculture.

Do you attend local events?

We attend many local events. bringing our lily bulbs to you! 
Contact us if your club or organization would like us to visit.